Westminster Presbyterian Church (WPC)

What is your demographic target? Who is this church catering to, or geared toward?

We are a church for everyone to come and know Jesus. We are not an ethnic church, nor young peoples’ church, nor church only for the city professionals. We just want to be a church that Jesus intended. We preach Christ and His unconditional love for sinners of all socio-ethnic-economic background.

What’s HCC’s worship and music like?

Well, it’s best that you see for yourself.  We believe in simple worship that is rich in meaning.  Something that feels natural. We don’t like to overcomplicate things with a procession of high liturgy, and yet believe with all our hearts that worship to God should be “an acceptable service in reverence and awe”  (Heb.12:28). Our music is a mix of contemporary and traditional worship songs, with various instruments according to song choices and availability of musical talent. 

How can I become a HCC member? What is the process?

Well, we want you to know what you’re getting into, besides solid biblical teachings and a friendly community. First, come out to a Newcomer’s Orientation Lunch held throughout the year, and get to know our mission, vision, values, and culture. Then if you like what you’re hearing up to that point, join our Membership Course where you will be exposed to core teachings on what makes a local church member, particularly at HCC. You can then decide whether or not you’d like to make a Fellowship Covenant with HCC. If you do, your decision will be acknowledged with the Membership Vow with the whole church.

Can I keep coming out to HCC without becoming a member?

Of course. Our worship and community is available to everyone without requirements or obligations. We can go at your pace, or more importantly, at God’s pace. Take time to rest, get fed, and investigate. We do however encourage you to find a “home church” sooner rather than later. The very nature of Christian faith lends to commitment and relationship.

when are the next HCC Orientation and Membership Course?

Please let us know of your interest, and we will let you know.  
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